Tuesday, March 6, 2018

I'm baaaaack...!

Yeah, so I'm back. I haven't posted for awhile because my fucking MacBook died. Did you know when the battery in a MacBook dies, it starts to swell until eventually your keyboard swells up like it's going to detonate, or start spewing lava or something? Because it does, and you don't realize it until everything starts going all weird and kinky and you can't do anything on the damn thing, and eventually you can't even close the lid all the way. 

Fortunately, no one was killed. 
So I took it to our local Mr. Fix-It guy who explained all of this in very reasonable tones ("OMFG GET THAT THING OUT OF HERE BEFORE IT KILLS US ALL!!!" like it's a propane tank on fire.) After it was scanned by our local bomb squad and declared only marginally dangerous, my guy ordered up a new battery and now she works good as new. 

Anyhoooo, all of this is to explain why I've been gone for a few weeks and now that I don't have any excuses I guess I'll have to start annoying all of you with this shitty blog again. 

Admit it: You've missed me. 

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