Saturday, November 18, 2017

Managing My Personal Brand™

Someone emailed to congratulate me on 8 months, but also mentioned that I should perhaps give thought to what this blog is doing to my "personal brand." Ironic, since one of the more esoteric of my many job titles over the years was "Brand Manager," which mostly entailed screaming at our ad agency and telling people they had to move our company logo .0002 microns higher on that 3-fold brochure. Worst job I ever had, and that includes retail.  

Anyway, I'm not entirely sure what "personal brand" I've been projecting to the world all these years. Would that be the "Getting drunk every day on my lunch hour" Brand? Or the "Funny, likable guy who goes home from work seething every night" Brand? How about the "Has three drinks too many at the holiday party and calls his boss an insufferable prick" Brand? Or maybe the "Jonesing for his next drink every morning, with DTs and shaky hands" Brand? 

Look, I sincerely appreciate the concern. I get that the stuff I post here might make some people (myself included) uncomfortable, or even angry. But I'm no longer in the business of projecting some idealized version of myself to the world. There's just no percentage in it for me, and I'm okay with the embarrassed silence or outrage that may ensue. 

If it makes y'all feel better, consider this my "personal rebranding." 


  1. Tony, I don't care what brand you Are! Whether you are an off-brand, an obscure brand, a cancelled brand or or a recalled brand...I love you anyway! Your words are brilliant, your humor is great and your compassion is amazing!

    1. Aw, shucks. Yer makin' me blush! Please continue, LOL!
